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Created by SIMBIZ Accounting & Business Management System

Menu by Categories

Neatly grouped into different categories, you get to select various documents and reports easily with drop-down menu. Also, maximise and minimise the navigation menu sidebar to your preference.


Get a direct access to a list of your item and business partner with a single click to the shortcut icon. No more handful of filters to get to the data that you want.

Quick Search

We understand how frustrated you were to search for a particular document previously. Now, you get to search any document without having to switch to another page. 

Global Search

Invoice number, item code, you name it. Global search got it covered. You can search literally anything from this powerful search tool with just any keyword.

User Profile

With the ability to upload a photo to a user profile, you can personalise your dashboard with something that is  close to your heart. Get that fun photo of yours up on the dashboard with just a swift click.

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